Signs It’s Time to Get Your Skin Mole Checked Out

Skin moles are benign growths on the surface of your skin caused by melanocytes (cells that produce pigment). They can be black, brown, or tan and resemble a mole found on an animal’s fur. The most common place for them to grow is near hair


Signs It’s Time to Get Your Skin Mole Checked Out


Skin moles are benign growths on the surface of your skin caused by melanocytes (cells that produce pigment). They can be black, brown, or tan and resemble a mole found on an animal’s fur. The most common place for them to grow is near hair follicles or sweat glands. It is a known fact that skin moles are harmless. Sometimes, they can result from sun exposure or age spots. However, there are times when you should be observant andĀ get moles checkedĀ out by a medical professional. Below are signs that suggest it is time to get your skin mole checked out.

A Change in Color

Change in shade or size of a mole may be the first sign that it’s time to get your skin checked. If you notice any changes, make sure you visit your doctor as soon as possible so they can check out what might be going on under the surface. For example, if something appears different from one or more spots, don’t ignore it. Moles can change in color for various reasons, from sun exposure to skin damage caused by friction or other factors. Sometimes, the changes may be nothing more than skin irritations that come and go, but you should still see your doctor if something looks different about any existing mole.

An Unusual Shape

Irregular-shaped moles are more likely to be cancerous than those that are regular-shaped. For this reason, it’s essential to have your mole checked by a professional doctor. A color change can also indicate something wrong with the moles, as they should stay the same all of their lives unless you suffer from hyper-pigmentation or melisma. A darkening on either one may be an early sign of melanoma and, therefore, another reason to get your moles checked.

Itching or Bleeding

moleA mole with a different color in the center or bleeding is another indicator that this needs attention. Itching is also a sign that there is something wrong. It is because when melanoma forms, it can make the mole itch or cause other moles to form around it.

Size Changes

If you notice size changes in your mole, it’s probably best to get checked out by a doctor. The size of the mole indicates nothing particularly dangerous or not about it. However, if you notice one has gotten drastically larger or smaller over time compared to others on your body, then perhaps it’s something worth looking into more closely.

If you notice any of these signs mentioned above, make an appointment for a check-up right away.

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